Study Exams Blog

  • Gavin Walton
  • August 18, 2024 Philosophy 102: Ethics in America

This article is going to guide you all the way through the Philosophy 102: Ethics in America final proctored exam! This course will guide you through the evaluation of the moral and ethical concepts of ancient Greek philosophers to the modern ones. Also, you’ll uncover the multifaceted concepts of ethics in contemporary America and the ways specific philosophical attitudes solve or fail to solve the problems arising.  Consider this class as an extremely condensed introduction to Shafer’s moral decision-making, theory, and philosophy of the rights and wrongs of laws and rules. By the end of this course, you will not only know what it means for something to be ‘moral’ or ‘ethical’, but will, with the help of practical cases, be able to improve your problem-solving skills. Also, who does not want to impress his or her friends with deep thoughts concerning the ethical dilemmas of contemporary society at dinner?? — Preparing for Philosophy 102 : An Overview 📖 Well, let me ask you, what are you going to be submerging yourself in Philosophy 102: Ethics in America? Let’s break it down! The Moral and Ethical Theories Journey First, to give the overall cognition, you will begin with the fundamentals of morality and ethicality. This knowledge of what defines a theory, the principles of a theory, and the composite of the different theories and approaches will form the basis of the rest of the learning. Here, you will discover how early great philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle provided the early foundation for the ideas thought of today on ethics. Be prepared to review these concepts as they form the basis for the next lessons and you will be given numerous quizzes on them. Navigating Moral Belief Systems Subsequently, moral systems of beliefs that the course will present include moral realism, nihilism, subjectivism, and relativism. Both facets of moral reasoning will be compared, which will assist you in realizing that the subject matter is quite diverse. In this section, you are going to face different cases that will push you to reflect on the possibilities and realities of morality. Tackling Modern Ethical Dilemmas After learning the theories and their basic components, one of the most interesting activities in the course is analyzing current events according to the chosen theories. You will learn about specific topics on life and death Ethics, for instance, euthanasia and capital punishment as well as engage in the analysis of justice and economic distribution of wealth, and human rights. It will not only make for a good read as you study for the exam but it will also endow you with important knowledge that will assist you to argue intelligently on these topics in day-to-day life. The course format is you watch short, fun videos and take small, fun quizzes throughout the video lessons to see how much you’ve learned. The final examination shall be proctored and shall comprise questions from all the chapters; therefore, ensure you study all the chapters carefully. A student should also note that issues such as ethical theories and their relation to the actual world will dominate the final exam! Click here for exam support Weekly Prep for the Philosophy 102 Exam📝 Ready to fight for the Philosophy 102: Ethics in America exam success? Use this schedule on the topics discussed above as a guideline to know how to program your study week. This plan is intended to aid the digestion of the content and provide reinforcement through other resources, which will be discussed in this plan. Week 1: Introduction and Foundations Tasks: Watch lessons on Philosophy Definition & Purpose, What is Morality?, and Ethics, Morals & Values. Take the quizzes for these lessons. Resources: Crash Course Philosophy YouTube Channel Quizlet: Ethics and Morality Flashcards Week 2: Moral Belief Systems Tasks: Watch lessons on Moral Realism, Moral Nihilism, Moral Subjectivism, and Moral Relativism. Take the quizzes for these lessons. Resources: The School of Life: Philosophy – Ethics and Morality Quizlet: Moral Philosophy Flashcards Week 3: Ancient Greek Views and Western Religion Tasks: Watch lessons on Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and Thucydides. Watch lessons on Morality in Western Religion, Divine Command Theory, and Theonomy, Autonomy, and Heteronomy. Take the quizzes for these lessons. Resources: Crash Course Philosophy: Plato and Aristotle YouTube: The Philosophy of Socrates Week 4: Natural and Moral Law Theories Tasks: Watch lessons on Theories of Natural Law, Hobbes’ Natural Law, Moral Law Theories of Epictetus, Kant, and Locke, and Moral Law Theories of the Stoics. Take the quizzes for these lessons. Resources: Philosophy Tube: What is Natural Law? Khan Academy: Introduction to Kant Week 5: Consequentialist vs. Non-Consequentialist Philosophies Tasks: Watch lessons on Consequentialism & Non-Consequentialism, Utilitarian Ethics, Egoism, and Ethics of Care Theory. Take the quizzes for these lessons. Resources: Crash Course Philosophy: Utilitarianism Philosophy Tube: Consequentialism Week 6: Ethical Issues in Life & Death Tasks: Watch lessons on Euthanasia, Right to Die, Capital Punishment, and Suicide. Take the quizzes for these lessons. Resources: TEDx: The Ethics of Euthanasia YouTube: Capital Punishment Debate Week 7: Economic Inequality & Morality Tasks: Watch lessons on Economic Equality & Inequality, Poverty Amongst Affluence, and Justice, Fairness & Taxation. Take the quizzes for these lessons. Resources: YouTube: Economic Inequality Explained Khan Academy: Principles of Justice and Fairness Week 8: Final Review and Practice Exam Tasks: Review all chapters and lessons. Take the practice exam on Focus on any weak areas identified in the practice exam. Resources: Quizlet: Ethics Practice Test YouTube: Final Exam Study Tips — Top Free Resources for Philosophy 102📂 While you already have access to all the valuable resources on, supplementing your study with additional free resources can help reinforce your understanding of complex concepts. Here are some excellent free resources available online: YouTube Channels and Playlists Crash Course Philosophy This playlist covers a wide range of philosophical topics, including ethics, moral theories, and key philosophers. Philosophy Tube Offers in-depth discussions on various philosophical concepts, including natural law, consequentialism, and more. TED-Ed

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