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  • Gavin Walton
  • August 17, 2024 Math 108: Discrete Mathematics Exam

Welcome to the world of ” Math 108 : Discrete Mathematics”! This course is for those who have ever had a curiosity about how mathematicians approach problems or how problems in mathematics/logic are formulated and solved. Discrete Mathematics can be defined as a subject that focuses on difference and Division, therefore it majors on discrete values such as integer values, diagrammatic click-on values, and logical statements. In this course, you will find out how proofs work, topics concerning sets and functions, probability, graph theory, matrices, and Boolean algebra. In fact, it is like getting to know the password that runs the basic acts of human life as well as the higher computer applications.  This course could be viewed as a tool chest for logical and mathematical thinking. If you are looking forward to having a firm grounding in computer science, and data analysis or just want better problem-solving skills, Math 108: Discrete Mathematics is here to make all these concepts easier and fun. Take your seat and be prepared to enter a world that is far from simple counting and arithmetic, which is primarily about figures, connections, and reason. So, my friend, let us proceed with the discovery of this course as well as of discrete mathematics as a subject and I’ll ensure that it’s not only comprehensible but also fun! — The Math 108 Experience📖 Starting on “ Math 108: Discrete Mathematics” means entering a new world while the chapters are the discoveries of a new world in mathematics. Here’s a sneak peek into what you’ll be exploring and mastering: Logic and Proofs: This is the summed-up essence where everything starts. The understanding of this topic is important because logic is the foundation of all mathematics. Here, you will get information about how to build and break arguments, signs of logical fallacies, and a truth table. You would always expect to find questions on the logical operators, truth values, and if-then statements on the exams. Sets and Functions: Sets are the basic tools in the kit for working with discrete mathematics. Here you will look at the server concepts like unions, intersections, subsets, as well as cardinality. As for specific topics, the role of sets will be explained in detail, with functions, these objects that map elements belonging to one set to another, receiving particular attention. Basic concepts are tested in this section often so if you get a good grasp of things here then you will reap big later. Counting Rules, Combinations, and Permutations: Have you ever thought about what is the number of permutations of elements’ sets? This section has it all, the answers are found here. It is for this reason that you will study elements such as counting principle, permutation, and combinations basics to define probability and stats. The next wonderful concept that is called ‘the pigeonhole principle’ will explain to you that it is impossible to put 11 pigeons into 10 pigeonholes without one or more of them having to share a hole. To achieve success in the course you will be exposed to numerous subjects like graphing theory, recursion, matrices, Boolean algebra, and so on. All of these topics are not only tightly connected with discrete math, but are also widely used in computer science, cryptography, and, of course, networks. One piece of advice is to focus more on the topics such as graph theory and Boolean algebra as these notions are important in the course and are frequently used in the final proctored exam. At the completion of this course, discrete mathematics will be well understood by you and you will be in a position to solve the most complicated problems. Please remember that when it comes to these topics, steady learning and application are definitely a rule to follow. Let’s dissect it on a weekly basis on how you can excel in this course moving forward. Click here for exam support A Week-by-Week Approach to Math 108 Exam Prep 📝 As you move through this course titled Math 108: Discrete Mathematics it shall be relevant to have a week-by-week guide that will enable you to guide through this course so as to prepare optimally for the proctored exam at the end of the course. This way each week introduces a group of topics, which will be comprehensively covered by the time students finish the course. Week 1: Introduction to Logic and Proofs Day 1-2: Watch the lessons on critical thinking and logic in mathematics. Practice identifying logical fallacies. Day 3-4: Study truth tables, propositions, and conditional statements. Take the quiz to test your understanding. Day 5-7: Dive into direct proofs and tautologies. Make sure to complete any practice problems and quizzes. External Resources: Khan Academy: Logic and Proofs YouTube: Critical Thinking and Logical Fallacies Week 2: Sets and Functions Day 1-2: Learn about mathematical sets, elements, intersections, and unions. Practice problems using sets. Day 3-4: Study universal sets, complements, and cardinality. Test yourself with quizzes. Day 5-7: Understand functions, injections, surjections, and bijections. Watch related videos for additional examples. External Resources: YouTube: Sets and Functions Quizlet: Set Theory Flashcards Week 3: Sequences, Sums, and Induction Day 1-2: Watch lessons on arithmetic and geometric sequences. Practice identifying and classifying sequences. Day 3-4: Learn about sigma notation and calculating series. Take quizzes to reinforce your knowledge. Day 5-7: Study mathematical induction and practice proof techniques. Complete the chapter test. External Resources: Khan Academy: Sequences and Series YouTube: Mathematical Induction Week 4: Counting Rules, Combinations, and Permutations Day 1-2: Explore the fundamental counting principle and permutations. Solve practice problems. Day 3-4: Study combinations and the pigeonhole principle. Test yourself with quizzes. Day 5-7: Review and practice the probability of permutations and combinations. Complete the chapter test. External Resources: YouTube: Permutations and Combinations Quizlet: Counting Principles Flashcards Week 5: Discrete Probability Day 1-2: Learn about random variables and expected values. Watch related videos for a deeper understanding. Day 3-4: Study discrete probability distributions and empirical probability. Take the quiz to

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