Study Exams Blog

  • Gavin Walton
  • August 17, 2024 Math 105 : Precalculus Algebra Exam

Welcome to the one and only guide for passing your Math 105: Precalculus Algebra exam! So if you are preparing for this course, you will be set for a mathematical ride where the outcome would prepare you on how to approach different higher mathematics courses plus real-life problems. This course is intended to study mathematical modeling deeply, derivatives, and solutions of different equations and inequalities with symbols and graphs. From the purely mathematical lover to the student merely enduring, there’s something interesting in this class.  Think of Math 105: Precalculus Algebra as your tool kit for how you want to read and perceive mathematics. You will be able to write and solve equations that describe the situations you meet in everyday life, compare the values of functions, and even take a glimpse at the derivatives. It concerns going beyond simple analytics and learning a systematic way to think that will be valuable in every future assignment. Therefore, sit tight, put on your seat belt, and let me help you to defeat the precalculus algebra and the world with it! — A Sneak Peek into Math 105📖 Embarking on Math 105: Precalculus Algebra tells you that you are going to study a range of mathematical ideas that will help pave the way for other math classes. This class comprises numerous subjects each of which is central to achieving mastery in precalculus algebra.  Starting with Mathematical Modeling, here are some of the courses you are going to learn. This entails the use of symbols on a pattern, which best represents an occurrence in the real world. The topics include how to write and assess expressions associated with geometric figures, learn about linear models, also use systems of linear equations to get the breakeven points and market equilibrium. These are not just theoretical ideas; they are the strategies that are used in different decision-making processes in different areas including commerce and engineering.  Then, Linear Equations & Inequalities present the next topic in the course. By the end of the combined course, you will be able to recognize and plot linear equations, comprehend the concepts of slope and intercepts, as well as solve systems of equations. This segment is elementary because linear equations are encountered throughout mathematics, as well as in other spheres of human life and education. Further on, Quadratic Functions and Rational Expressions & Functions are included in what is to be covered. These sections are important for the proctored final exam, specifically the Speaking Section. Quadratic equations will be factored in, the process of completing the square will be viewed, and solving quadratic inequalities will also be developed. For rational functions, you will learn operations on rational expressions, their graphs, and asymptotes.  The content of the book is divided into chapters and each chapter progresses from the previous one, hence a clear understanding of precalculus algebra. It is pertinent to spend time doing problems since this is an excellent way of revising and grasping the concepts in the book. self-paced will enable you to take more time on sections that you need to practice as you prepare for the final exam of the course. Click here for exam support How to Study Weekly for Math 105📝 Are you ready to ace your Math 105: Precalculus Algebra? Below is a suggested plan of study for a week to ensure that you do not lag behind and are well-prepared for the final exam. The reader of this guide will be guided towards successful abstractions that lay a strong base and use regular exercises for creating different concepts Week 1: Introduction & Mathematical Modeling Lessons to Cover: Introduction to algebraic expressions and linear models. Activities: Watch video lessons and take notes. Complete quizzes for each lesson. Practice writing and solving algebraic expressions. External Resource: Khan Academy – Algebra Basics Week 2: Linear Equations & Inequalities Lessons to Cover: Linear equations, slope-intercept form, and graphing inequalities. Activities: Watch video lessons and take notes. Complete quizzes for each lesson. Solve practice problems on graphing linear equations. External Resource: PatrickJMT – Linear Equations Week 3: Quadratic Functions Lessons to Cover: Factoring quadratics, quadratic formula, and graphing parabolas. Activities: Watch video lessons and take notes. Complete quizzes for each lesson. Practice solving quadratic equations using different methods. External Resource: Professor Leonard – Quadratics Week 4: Rational Expressions & Functions Lessons to Cover: Multiplying, dividing, adding, and subtracting rational expressions. Activities: Watch video lessons and take notes. Complete quizzes for each lesson. Practice simplifying rational expressions and solving rational equations. External Resource: Mathispower4u – Rational Expressions Week 5: Polynomial Functions Lessons to Cover: Adding, subtracting, and multiplying polynomials; polynomial long division. Activities: Watch video lessons and take notes. Complete quizzes for each lesson. Practice polynomial operations and solve practice problems. External Resource: Khan Academy – Polynomial Operations Week 6: Geometry Basics Lessons to Cover: Area and circumference of a circle, distance formula, and midpoint formula. Activities: Watch video lessons and take notes. Complete quizzes for each lesson. Solve problems involving geometric figures and formulas. External Resource: Math Antics – Geometry Week 7: Functions Overview Lessons to Cover: Domain and range, power and radical functions, points of discontinuity. Activities: Watch video lessons and take notes. Complete quizzes for each lesson. Practice identifying domain and range and graphing functions. External Resource: PatrickJMT – Functions Week 8: Function Operations Lessons to Cover: Adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing functions; inverse functions. Activities: Watch video lessons and take notes. Complete quizzes for each lesson. Practice performing operations on functions and finding inverses. External Resource: Khan Academy – Function Operations Week 9: Graph Symmetry Lessons to Cover: Symmetry in graphs, even and odd functions. Activities: Watch video lessons and take notes. Complete quizzes for each lesson. Practice identifying symmetry and classifying functions as even or odd. External Resource: Mathispower4u – Graph Symmetry Week 10: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions Lessons to Cover: Exponential growth and decay, properties of logarithms, graphing logarithmic functions. Activities: Watch video lessons and take notes. Complete quizzes

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