Study Exams Blog

  • Gavin Walton
  • August 17, 2024 Math 103: Precalculus Final Proctored Exam

You are preparing to plunge into’s Math 103: Precalculus course, aren’t you? Good choice! This class is a great starting point because it leaves you with all the setup you need for the higher-level mathematics courses that you may need to undertake. If your wishes extend to engineering or technology or you just need to master the next math homework this course will suit you.  Here you will explore all about functions, trigonometric functions, and all the basic concepts that you will come across. The best part? It is also packed with juicy bits of curiosity to motivate you through the lessons even if you lack the math skills. What the author has again brought out in this book are clear explanations on the topic discussed, loaded with practical examples and sufficient problem-solving exercises that make it possible for you to master concepts that you never imagined you could. At the end of the course not only you can pass the final proctored exam, but also you will be prepared for future mathematical activities. Ready to get started? Let’s do this! — What’s in Store for You in Math 103📖 Okay, the following are the areas that you will be covering in the Math 103: Precalculus course. The final proctored exam is on its way and this channel will prepare you for a mathematical ride that will guarantee you mastery of everything required! Functions and Transformations The first topic revolves around functions in the world. This is where you’ll get to know common, piece-wise, rational, exponential, logarithmic, reciprocal functions, and so on, including how to operate on them and how to plot them on coordinate axes. You will learn about function notation and also about how to change, stretch, and even flip graphs such as shift, reflection, and dilation. I assure you that these basics are important because, throughout precalculus, functions are the cornerstone. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions The subsequent section will focus on exponential and logarithmic functions. All those concepts are absolutely fundamental and they are everywhere, they appear at the very core of such various subjects as natural science or finance. Here you also discover how these functions are shown on the coordinate plane, and how to solve equations that involve logarithms and basic logarithmic properties. This is something that will actually have a lot of questions dedicated to it in the exam, so do not miss this out! Trigonometry and Geometry So trigonometry may sound somewhat complex but trust me, it is very beneficial and is not as terrible as it appears. You will comprehensively make an understanding of the unit circle along with sine, cosine, and tangent ratios. Furthermore, this will demonstrate how the understood trigonometric concepts are used in practice. Geometry is also not left behind and plays a role in depicting shapes and volumes when solving problems. Polynomial and Rational Functions The next topics to be discussed are polynomials and rational functions. It is necessary to specify that you will find how to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of these functions as well as learn how to plot a function. Adding, subtracting, and multiplying quadratic terms will become part of your fingertips while factoring and solving quadratic equations will become easier for you. These topics are quite basic, so you should solve a lot of problems concerning them. Every time in the course, you will find a lot of exercises and quizzes that are similar to what you may meet on the final exam. The only thing that should be kept in mind is that one should remain consistent with the studies and should take each topic as a step forward. Are you set for the strategies you need for studying this course? On to the next shall we? Click here for exam support Strategic Study Plan for Math 103📝 Below are the guidelines you can use to organize your schedule and get the most of your time to study: If you stick to this schedule, you will be fully prepared for the coming Math 103: Precalculus final proctored exam at the end of the study plan; Math 104 Basic Mathematics homework. Week 1: Functions and Transformations Topics to Cover: Functions, function notation, vertical line test, transformations (shifts, reflections, dilations). Study Tips: Focus on understanding how to identify and graph different functions. Practice transformations by shifting and reflecting simple functions. Resources: Khan Academy – Introduction to Functions PatrickJMT – Function Transformations Week 2: Domain and Range, Function Operations Topics to Cover: Domain and range, adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing functions, composing functions. Study Tips: Work through examples to understand how to find the domain and range from graphs and equations. Practice combining functions and composing them. Resources: Paul’s Online Math Notes – Domain and Range Purplemath – Function Operations Week 3: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions Topics to Cover: Exponential functions, exponential growth and decay, logarithms, properties of logarithms, solving exponential and logarithmic equations. Study Tips: Get comfortable with converting between exponential and logarithmic forms. Practice solving equations using logarithms. Resources: Khan Academy – Exponential Functions Professor Dave Explains – Logarithms Week 4: Inequalities and Systems of Equations Topics to Cover: Graphing inequalities, solving systems of equations, absolute value inequalities. Study Tips: Practice graphing one-variable and two-variable inequalities. Work on solving systems of equations using substitution and elimination methods. Resources: Khan Academy – Inequalities PatrickJMT – Systems of Equations Week 5: Polynomial and Rational Functions Topics to Cover: Polynomial functions, factoring quadratics, graphing rational functions, solving rational equations. Study Tips: Focus on mastering the factoring techniques for different types of polynomials. Practice graphing and solving rational functions. Resources: Purplemath – Factoring Polynomials Khan Academy – Rational Functions Week 6: Trigonometry and the Unit Circle Topics to Cover: Unit circle, sine, cosine, and tangent functions, graphing trig functions, and trigonometric identities. Study Tips: Memorize the unit circle and the values of sine, cosine, and tangent at key angles. Practice using trigonometric identities to simplify expressions. Resources: Khan Academy – Unit Circle

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