Study Exams Blog

  • Gavin Walton
  • August 13, 2024 English 204: English Composition I

Hey there, future essay aficionado! It is clear that you have registered for English 204 : English Composition I. Great choice! This course is your key to hitting the bull’s eye in both academic and professional writing, and your essays are going to emerge as an amalgam of brilliance. Hoping to write convincing essays that could ‘wow’ your professors or simply improve the quality of your Facebook status updates (no prejudice taken here), then this class has been designed for you.  As an English 204 student, you will be introduced to genre and rhetoric, perfect your writing skills, and conquer the often messed up (but actually not) research-based essay. By the time you complete this course, not only do you stand a good chance of scoring highest on the final proctored exam, but you will also be equipped to sort out any college-level writing assignment you are given. So, here is the start, and let me just help to make this journey as easy as possible. — What You’ll Learn in English 204 📖 Okay, let’s move to the details of the English 204: English Composition I. What does this actually mean, and what should you prepare for? Let’s break it down.  To begin with, this course encompasses various aspects whereby by the end of the course you are transformed into a writing expert. This will be followed by fundamental lessons in academic, business, and or formal writing. Think of this as laying down the framework. It is important to understand these fundamentals because you are going to use them all the time, here in this course and in all the courses you will take in the future that will involve writing. You will discover how you can enhance your cold and formal sentences and paragraphs to enhance the presentation of your work.  Then, you will find out more information concerning the basic forms, themes, tones, and the writing modes of genres. This part is rather engaging since it explains how the choice of the writing style may influence the perception of your message. From there, you will progress to the identification of rhetoric in text writing. This is where you get to be detectives and solve how authors do it with the persuasion and information dished out. Oh, I assure you these are not skills you learn in black and white- – they are real-life skills!  Another emphasis, which the course also entails, is that of research. Academic source selection is a crucial aspect of research work, and that is why this aspect will be well explained with the help of tutorials. Learning their origin and how to come across them is effectively going to spare you a lot of time and stress in the future. Moreover, this skill is highly used in the final examination, therefore, do not miss it when studying.  These topics progressively advance with the previous one hence at the end of the course, one is fully equipped with the knowledge of English composition. This is the area that is going to be finally tested in the proctored exam, thus, try to follow lessons and make sure you grasp the concept of each area before proceeding to the next one. Ready to ace this? Let’s do it!! Click here for exam support Step-by-Step Study Plan for English 204📝 To assist you in order to minimize distractions and optimize the productivity of’s English 204: English Composition I, up next, is a week-by-week guide for the course. With the aid of this guide, you will be on the right track to ensuring that you adequately prepare for the final proctored exam. Week 1: Introduction and Basics Focus: Academic, Professional & Formal Writing Tasks: Watch lessons on academic writing, professional writing, and formal writing. Take the quizzes at the end of each lesson to test your understanding. Start brainstorming ideas for your first assignment: Rhetorical Analysis. Resources: Understanding Academic Writing Professional Writing Tips Week 2: Understanding Genre and Voice Focus: Genre, Voice & Writing Style Tasks: Study the lessons on genre, writing styles, and voice in writing. Complete the quizzes and note down any areas where you need further review. Begin drafting your rhetorical analysis assignment using what you’ve learned. Resources: Exploring Writing Styles Voice in Writing Week 3: Rhetorical Analysis and Application Focus: Analyzing Rhetoric in Writing Tasks: Watch the lessons on rhetorical devices and rhetorical shifts. Complete quizzes and review any challenging concepts. Finalize your rhetorical analysis assignment and submit it. Resources: Rhetorical Devices Explained Understanding Rhetorical Shifts Week 4: Research Skills Development Focus: Selecting & Evaluating Academic Sources Tasks: Study the lessons on selecting a research topic and evaluating academic sources. Begin preliminary research for your thesis development assignment. Take the chapter test to ensure you’ve grasped the material. Resources: How to Choose a Research Topic Evaluating Sources for Research Week 5: Using Sources Effectively Focus: Using Sources in Writing Tasks: Watch lessons on quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing research. Start drafting your thesis development assignment. Practice citing sources in APA and MLA formats. Resources: Paraphrasing and Summarizing APA Citation Guide Week 6: Writing Process and Structure Focus: Stages of the Writing Process Tasks: Study the lessons on the writing process, from prewriting to final drafts. Revise and edit your thesis development assignment. Submit your thesis development assignment. Resources: The Writing Process Explained Editing and Revising Tips Week 7: Introduction and Body Paragraphs Focus: Writing Introduction and Body Paragraphs Tasks: Watch lessons on crafting introduction paragraphs and developing body paragraphs. Begin working on your research essay. Ensure each paragraph has a clear topic sentence and supporting details. Resources: How to Write Introductions Developing Body Paragraphs Week 8: Writing Conclusions and Revising Focus: Writing Effective Conclusions and Revising Tasks: Study lessons on writing conclusions and revising your work. Complete the first draft of your research essay. Review and revise your essay based on the lessons. Resources: Writing Strong Conclusions Revising Strategies Week 9: Finalizing Your Essay and Preparing for the Exam Focus:

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