Study Exams Blog Math 101
  • Gavin Walton
  • August 16, 2024

Are you eager to dominate the algebra world? look no further than Math 101 : College Algebra course for this mathematical journey. As is already mentioned, this course is aimed at providing the necessary practice in working with linear equations, quadratic equations, logarithms, etc. This is the best place for you if you are in a bid to prepare for college mathematics credit or simply want to enhance your mathematical problem-solving skills but don’t know where to commence. 

What sets this course apart from so many other courses is the fact that it is fully online and accessible at any time. Because lessons in the videos are brief and lively, lecturing and learning can be as fast or slow as one wants it to be. Moreover, it has a precise organization meant to ensure you are ready for the proctored final exam: it focuses on teaching fundamental algebra and checking whether you are ready to take the proctored final exam. Thus, by the end of this course, the goal is not only to inform you about algebra better and extend the possibilities of its application in day-to-day life but also to make you more confident in this kind of practice. Well, then let the learning begin, and let algebra be your new buddy!

--- Math 101: Course Breakdown📖

It is time for us to go into the details of what is actually offered in this course Math 101: College Algebra class. It covers 12 chapters which deal with the basic algebraic concepts in each chapter. Here’s a sneak peek into what you’ll be learning:

Foundations of Linear Equations: In this chapter, the groundwork is laid down with preliminaries including; number classification, elements of a graph, and linear expressions. The course will be on linear equations with topics such as solving linear equations, graphing linear, and understanding different forms of equations. The section on a linear equation should be studied carefully because linear equations are some of the fundamental topics that are covered in algebra and are sure to feature in the test.

Matrices and Absolute Value: Matrices and Absolute Value: Here you will begin studying matrices and absolute values. One has to understand the process of finding the determinant of a matrix and solve the problems involving the use of absolute values. Perhaps, these concepts may appear a bit abstract, or … They are rather the foundation of subsequent levels of learning.

Factoring with FOIL, Graphing Parabolas, and Solving Quadratics: This chapter ranges from parabolas right through to quadratic equations. You will be able to know the kinds of parabolas available in the world, facts that must be noted concerning the FOIL method of factoring, and facts we need to understand concerning quadratic equations. Another key concept that you are likely to be tested on in the final is quadratics.

Complex Numbers, Exponents, and Polynomials: In these chapters, the use of imaginary numbers, rules dealing with exponents, as well as operations on polynomials will be explained. These concepts are important as they shall be used in more complex issues of algebra, so ensure that you master them well.

Functions and Rational Expressions: You will get to know how different functions can be transformed or operated upon. Functions and their operations will also be crucial since rational expressions and equations will be frequently used in many algebraic issues.

Radical Expressions, Exponentials, and Logarithms: These chapters deal with radical functions, exponential, exponential decay, and logarithmic properties. These topics are essential for solving other forms of equations with higher degrees and might be featured in the exam.

Probability Mechanics and Sequences & Series: Last, you’ll look at factorials, binomial theorem, and summation notation. You might wonder what these concepts are all about. Well, these are all about patterns and certain calculations, which are not as hard as they are described to be.

This means that you should prepare to be introduced to video lessons, quizzes as well as practice questions within the course. Each hour follows and expands the previous one, so it is necessary to complete the lessons and practice frequently. It is recommended that by this stage, you would’ve had adequate practice in preparation for the proctored end-of-course exam that is set to make sure that you’ve grasped all these concepts.

Week-by-Week Guide to Ace Math 101📝

Here is the detailed week-by-week study plan to prepare for the final exam and understand all the essential mechanics behind it. If you adhere to this plan, then you are assured a shot at your algebra dream!

Week 1: Foundations of Linear Equations

Focus: Types of Numbers, Parts of a Graph, Linear Equations

  • Day 1-2: Watch the video lessons on types of numbers and parts of a graph. Take detailed notes and try to visualize each concept.
  • Day 3-4: Dive into linear equations. Understand how to solve and graph them.
  • Day 5: Practice the quizzes for these lessons.
  • Weekend: Review your notes and redo the quizzes to solidify your understanding.

External Resource:

Week 2: Matrices and Absolute Value

Focus: Matrix Properties, Determinants, Absolute Value

  • Day 1-2: Learn about matrices and how to find their determinants.
  • Day 3-4: Study absolute value expressions and equations.
  • Day 5: Complete practice problems and quizzes.
  • Weekend: Summarize what you’ve learned and try additional practice problems.

External Resource:

Week 3: Inequalities and Quadratics

Focus: Graphing Inequalities, Factoring Quadratics

  • Day 1-2: Understand how to solve and graph inequalities.
  • Day 3-4: Dive into factoring quadratics using FOIL and other methods.
  • Day 5: Take quizzes and practice problems.
  • Weekend: Review all materials and ensure you understand key concepts.

External Resource:

Week 4: Complex Numbers and Exponents

Focus: Imaginary Numbers, Exponent Rules

  • Day 1-2: Study complex numbers and their operations.
  • Day 3-4: Review exponent properties and practice simplifying expressions.
  • Day 5: Complete quizzes and practice problems.
  • Weekend: Recap the week’s lessons and revisit any difficult concepts.

External Resource:

Week 5: Polynomials and Functions

Focus: Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying Polynomials, Functions

  • Day 1-2: Learn about polynomials and their operations.
  • Day 3-4: Study different types of functions and their transformations.
  • Day 5: Take quizzes and practice problems.
  • Weekend: Consolidate your learning with additional practice and review sessions.

External Resource:

Week 6: Rational Expressions and Radical Functions

Focus: Multiplying, Dividing Rational Expressions, Graphing Radical Functions

  • Day 1-2: Focus on rational expressions and how to work with them.
  • Day 3-4: Study radical functions and their transformations.
  • Day 5: Complete quizzes and practice problems.
  • Weekend: Revise the week’s topics and ensure you understand the concepts thoroughly.

External Resource:

Week 7: Exponentials, Logarithms, and Probability Mechanics

Focus: Exponential Functions, Logarithms, Factorials, Binomial Theorem

  • Day 1-2: Understand exponential growth and decay, and logarithmic properties.
  • Day 3-4: Study factorials and the binomial theorem.
  • Day 5: Take quizzes and practice problems.
  • Weekend: Go over all the lessons and practice extensively.

External Resource:

Week 8: Sequences and Series

Focus: Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences, Summation Notation

  • Day 1-2: Learn about different types of sequences and their rules.
  • Day 3-4: Study summation notation and practice problems.
  • Day 5: Complete quizzes and practice problems.
  • Weekend: Final review of all chapters, focusing on areas you find challenging.

External Resource:

This way the concerned material is covered and by the end of the plan all important aspects are taken care of and the final examination can be faced with confidence. You should also remember and pay attention to the fact that it is good to sometimes take a break and also time to deserve a break for being focused.


External Study Supports for Math 101📂

Here are some free resources to help you ace your Math 101: College Algebra course:

  1. Khan Academy
  • Link: Khan Academy – Algebra
  • Why: Khan Academy offers comprehensive video tutorials and practice problems. It’s a great resource for visual learners who benefit from seeing problems worked out step-by-step.
  1. PatrickJMT (Just Math Tutorials)
  • Link: PatrickJMT – YouTube Channel
  • Why: PatrickJMT is known for his clear and concise math tutorials. His videos cover a wide range of topics, including many of the key concepts in College Algebra, making complex topics easier to understand.
  1. Quizlet
  • Link: Quizlet – Algebra Flashcards
  • Why: Quizlet is fantastic for memorizing key concepts and formulas. You can find flashcard sets created by other students or make your own to test your knowledge.

These resources will prove useful in giving additional practice and more explanations which will enhance understanding of the concepts. Happy studying!


Math 101: Major Topics to Focus On🔑

But before you get there, let us analyze some of the crucial areas that you need to excel in before you can get through the final exam. It is important to understand these concepts, I will try to help by putting them in tables and illustrating them in real-life examples.

  • Linear Equations vs. Quadratic Equations
Linear Equations
Quadratic Equations
General Form
y = mx + b
y = ax² + bx + c
Graph Shape
Straight Line
Parabola (U-shaped)
y = 2x + 3
y = x² - 4x + 4
Real-World Example
Calculating total cost
Projectile motion (throwing a ball)

Linear equations describe relationships with constant rates of change, like the cost per item. Quadratic equations are used in situations involving acceleration, like the path of a thrown ball.

  • Exponential Growth vs. Exponential Decay
Exponential Growth
Exponential Decay
General Form
y = a * b^x (b > 1)
y = a * b^x (0 < b < 1)
Graph Shape
Rapidly increasing curve
Rapidly decreasing curve
Real-World Example
Population growth
Radioactive decay

Exponential growth describes situations where quantities double over consistent intervals, like population growth. Exponential decay models situations where quantities halve over time, such as radioactive substances.

  1. Rational Expressions

Key Concepts:

  • Multiplication and Division: Factor both numerator and denominator, cancel common factors.
  • Addition and Subtraction: Find a common denominator before combining.

Example: 3x/4y × 2y/x = 6/4 = 3/2

Rational expressions also remain a common area in engineering and physics since one needs to combine or compare certain rates or ratios.

  1. Logarithms

Logarithmic Properties:

  • Product Property: log_b(m * n) = log_b(m) + log_b(n)
  • Quotient Property: log_b(m / n) = log_b(m) – log_b(n)
  • Power Property: log_b(m^n) = n * log_b(m)

It is applicable in a wide area like business through the calculation of effects of compound interest and physical through measuring the magnitude of an earthquake on the Richter scale.

Thus, mastering the listed key concepts and performing with regularity will prove your success at the final examination. These topics are not only relevant in the passing of the course but also when it comes to real-life incidents in different fields.


Common Inquiries about Math 101❓

Q: What is the best way to prepare for the proctored final exam?
A: Follow the weekly study plan, complete all quizzes, and review key concepts. Use external resources like Khan Academy for extra practice and utilize the provided formula sheet.

Q: Can I retake the quizzes if I don’t do well on my first attempt?
A: Yes, you can retake each quiz up to three times. The highest score from your first three attempts will be recorded. You can take quizzes for practice afterward.

Q: What materials am I allowed to use during the proctored final exam?
A: You can use a non-graphing, scientific calculator, blank scratch paper, a pen or pencil, and the printed formula sheet from the ‘Studying for Math 101’ chapter. No digital devices or textbooks.

Q: How is my final grade calculated?
A: Your final grade is out of 300 points: 100 points from quizzes and 200 points from the proctored final exam. You need at least 210 points (70%) to pass.

Q: What should I do if I’m struggling with a specific topic?
A: Use external resources like Khan Academy and Quizlet. Re-watch lessons and reach out to support for further help.

Q: How do I use the study guide effectively?
A: Review key concepts and practice problems. Focus on weaker areas and use the formula sheet to familiarize yourself with it before the exam.


Math 101: Concluding Thoughts📄

Well done for starting your algebra learning journey with’s college Math 101: College Algebra course, you’re off to a great start! Finally, by always defining the main concepts and having useful material and a strictly developed study plan, you are already halfway to the final exam victory. Remember, consistency is key. Do not deviate from the set study plan, use the formula sheet and if help is required it should be sought. Some of you may find Math difficult, while others – boring, but in any way, by hard work and correct strategy, you can manage Math. Good luck, and happy studying!


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