Study Exams Blog Business 324
  • Gavin Walton
  • August 7, 2024

Hey there, future business leader! If you are getting prepared for the Business 324: Managerial Communication final exam, welcome to the right place. Here you will find a lot of information about the Exam and useful tips on how to pass it. This marks the course that provides you with the magical gate pass to learning the fundamentals of managerial communication. From managing conflicts in the workplace or designing effective business meetings, right through to how to give the perfect presentation, this class has it all. 

And visual thinking will be your secret weapon in the business world, that is if you partake in this course. You will deeper into the operational details of how to get the message right for internal and external audiences. Starting from the history of management concepts right up to communication in virtual teams, this course enables you to develop the skills that you require. You can be assured that we will be dropping information in manageably small quantities in a form that will enable you to digest it conveniently to acquire these necessary skills. Thus, it is time to embark on this process of mastering your final exam and turning you into a real communication guru!


Business 324: Insights and Expectations 📖

Okay, here’s what you can anticipate in the Business 324: Managerial Communication course. It enlightens the student with various knowledge and skills of managing that any potential manager should possess in the market. Here’s a sneak peek at the key areas you’ll be exploring:

First of all, you will understand the basics of the communication process and its features. These are the sender, the receiver, and the media through which the messages are passed from the sender to the receiver. You will be taught how to avoid unnecessary noise and how to make the passed messages as precise and understood by people as possible. It is important to have this basic understanding because we are dealing with the core of managerial communication. 

Next up is the analysis of the concept of organizational communication. Here you will understand the communication process that happens inside the company both top-down, bottom-up, and across the company. Key topics include:

  • Internal and external communication
  • The grapevine and informal communication
  • Channels of communication: upward, downward, and horizontal

The course also covers the evolution of management theories and their impact on communication. You’ll learn about:

  • Classical scientific management
  • Neoclassical theory (human relations approach)
  • Contingency school of management

Understanding these theories will help you appreciate why certain communication strategies work better in different scenarios. This historical context is critical for the exam.

Another critical area is conflict management. You’ll learn strategies to handle and resolve conflicts in the workplace, which is an invaluable skill for any manager. This section includes:

  • Types of conflicts: people-centered vs. task-centered
  • Stages of conflict: opposition, cognition, intentions, behavior, outcomes
  • Resolution techniques: third-party intervention, joint decision-making

Last but not least, you will get acquainted with technology in communication specifically regarding virtual teams and virtual working conditions. As a result of the advancement in technology, there is a shift towards flexible working. In this section you will learn how to use different communication technologies to enhance the cohesion and productivity of a team. Topics include:

  • Computer-mediated communication (CMC)
  • Tools like videoconferencing, email, and instant messaging
  • Overcoming technology-related communication barriers

So, at the end of this course, learners will have gained considerable knowledge on how to communicate at the managerial level. This course is a subject that has it all; from theoretical knowledge to acquired skills. Make sure to stick with us as we unveil a weekly plan that will assist in preparing for the exam.

Consistent Weekly Progress for Business 324 Success 📝

Ready to tackle the Business 324: Managerial Communication final exam? Here’s a week-by-week study plan to help you master the material and ace the test. Follow this plan, and you’ll be well-prepared by exam day!

Week 1: Introduction and Fundamentals

  • Topics to Cover: Communication Process, Organizational Communication
  • Activities:
    • Watch video lessons on the communication process.
    • Take notes on the roles of sender, receiver, and channels.
    • Quiz yourself on key concepts.
    • External Resource: CrashCourse on Communication

Week 2: Management Theories and Their Impact

  • Topics to Cover: Classical Scientific Management, Neoclassical Theory, Contingency School of Management
  • Activities:
    • Read lesson summaries on management theories.
    • Create comparison charts for the different theories.
    • Discuss with peers or study groups about how these theories apply to real-world scenarios.
    • External Resource: Simple Learn on Management Theories

Week 3: Conflict Management

  • Topics to Cover: Types of Conflict, Conflict Resolution Techniques
  • Activities:
    • Watch lessons on conflict management.
    • Write summaries on different types of conflicts.
    • Practice conflict resolution scenarios with a friend.
    • External Resource: MindTools on Conflict Resolution

Week 4: Effective Listening and Nonverbal Communication

  • Topics to Cover: Effective Listening, Nonverbal Communication
  • Activities:
    • Review video lessons on listening skills and nonverbal cues.
    • Create a list of nonverbal communication examples.
    • Quiz yourself on the functions of nonverbal communication.
    • External Resource: TED Talk on Nonverbal Communication

Week 5: Technology in Communication

  • Topics to Cover: Computer-Mediated Communication, Tools for Virtual Teams
  • Activities:
    • Watch lessons on technology in communication.
    • Make a list of the pros and cons of different communication tools.
    • Try out tools like Google Slides or Zoom for a mock presentation.
    • External Resource: Common Craft on Computer-Mediated Communication

Week 6: Preparing and Delivering Presentations

  • Topics to Cover: Audience-Centered Presentations, Visual Aids
  • Activities:

Week 7: Reviewing and Refining

  • Activities:
    • Go over all your notes and highlight key points.
    • Take practice quizzes and exams on
    • Review any areas where you feel less confident.
    • Join a study group to discuss any remaining questions.
    • External Resource: Quizlet Flashcards for Managerial Communication

Week 8: Final Prep and Practice

  • Activities:
    • Review the study guides and summaries one last time.
    • Take a full-length practice exam.
    • Relax and get plenty of rest before the exam day.
    • External Resource: Exam Tips and Tricks

If you follow this study plan, you will overcome the Business 324: Managerial Communication final exam in no time. Good luck!


Free Tools and Materials for Business 324 Success 📂

Here are some of the areas you want to concentrate on when you are taking the final exam. For each of them, I will provide more detail with the help of comparisons, vivid examples, and simple explanations:

  • YouTube Channels and Videos:

1. CrashCourse: This channel offers engaging and easy-to-understand videos on various topics, including communication. Check out their series on communication to get a better grasp of the basics.

2. Simple Learn: This channel has detailed videos on management theories and practices.

3. MindTools: Great for understanding conflict resolution techniques.

4. TED Talks: There are numerous TED Talks focused on nonverbal communication and effective communication strategies.

1. Flashcards for Managerial Communication: Flashcards can be a great way to review key terms and concepts.

1. MindTools Articles: A wealth of articles on various aspects of managerial communication, conflict resolution, and team management.

2. Harvard Business Review: Offers deep insights and articles on management and communication strategies.

1. Coursera: While many courses are paid, Coursera offers free audit options for courses on communication and management.

2. Khan Academy: Free courses and videos on communication and business topics.

These resources should provide you with plenty of additional material to reinforce what you’re learning in the course and help you succeed on the final exam. Happy studying!


Key Study Areas in Business 324 🔑

To make sure you’re well-prepared for the Business 324: Managerial Communication final exam, here are some key topics you should focus on. I’ll break down each concept with comparisons, real-world examples, and easy-to-understand explanations.

  1. Communication Process

Key Elements:

  • Sender
  • Channel
  • Receiver
  • Feedback Loop
  • Noise

Comparison Table:

Initiates the communication by encoding a message
The manager sent an email to the team
The medium used to transmit the message
Email, phone call, face-to-face meeting
The person who decodes and interprets the message
Team member reading the email
Feedback Loop
Ensures the message is understood correctly
Team member replies to confirm understanding
Any interference that disrupts the message
Poor internet connection during a video call
  1. Organizational Communication


  • Internal Communication: Upward, Downward, Horizontal
  • External Communication

Real-World Example:

  • Upward Communication: An employee survey to give feedback to management.
  • Downward Communication: A CEO’s memo outlining new company policies.
  • Horizontal Communication: Collaboration between departments on a joint project.
  1. Conflict Management

Types of Conflicts:

  • People-Centered (Relationship) Conflict
  • Task-Centered Conflict

Conflict Resolution Techniques:

  • Third-Party Intervention: Using a mediator or arbitrator to resolve disputes.
  • Joint Decision-Making: Both parties work together to reach a mutually beneficial solution.

Real-World Example:

  • Task-Centered Conflict: Disagreement on the best approach to complete a project. Resolution through a team meeting to discuss and agree on the best strategy.
  • People-Centered Conflict: Personality clash between team members. Resolution through mediation to address underlying issues and find common ground.
  1. Technology in Communication


  • Email
  • Videoconferencing
  • Instant Messaging

Pros and Cons Table:

Convenient, can be referred to later
A lack of immediate feedback can be misinterpreted
Allows visual cues, effective for meetings
Requires good internet connection, can be technical
Instant Messaging
Quick and efficient, good for brief updates
Can be disruptive, lacks formality

Real-World Application:

  • Email: Sending detailed project updates to the team.
  • Videoconferencing: Conducting remote team meetings to discuss project progress.
  • Instant Messaging: Quick check-ins or clarifications during the workday.

By focusing on these key topics, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle the Business 324: Managerial Communication final exam. Understanding these concepts and their practical applications will not only help you pass the exam but also enhance your communication skills in the workplace. Up next, we’ll address some frequently asked questions about the course.


Student Queries on Business 324❓

Below is a list of the usual questions people have about the Business 324: Managerial Communication course to help clarify any doubts you might have:

Q: What is the main focus of the Business 324: Managerial Communication course?

  • A: The objective of this course is to make communication improvements in the managerial situation. This comprises organizing interpersonal conflicts, communication in meetings, presentation skills, and technology for communication.


Q: How is the final grade calculated?

  • A: The final grade is calculated out of 300 points. Here’s the breakdown:
  • Assignment 1: 40 points
  • Assignment 2: 30 points
  • Assignment 3: 30 points
  • Quizzes: 100 points
  • Proctored Final Exam: 100 points


Q: What is the minimum score required to pass the course?

  • A: To pass and earn college credit, the minimum you should obtain from the total possible points of three hundred is two hundred and ten, that is, a 70% course passing grade.


Q: What exactly are the formats of the quizzes?

  • A: Quizzes help check your understanding of the materials that were covered in the lesson. Each quiz gives you three tries, and the score of the first try out of the three tries is considered. This is followed by finding the average of the said scores and comparing it with the total possible points of quizzes.


Q: Can I retake the proctored final exam if I’m not satisfied with my score?

  • A: Yes, you can retake the final exam twice, with a 3-day waiting period between attempts. Ensure you use your study guide and prepare thoroughly before retaking the exam.


Q: What items are allowed during the proctored exam?

  • A: You are allowed one sheet of blank scratch paper and a pen or pencil. Items like office programs, web browsers, textbooks, mobile phones, and calculators are not permitted.


Q: Are there any prerequisites for this course?

  • A: There are no prerequisites, but it is recommended to complete Business 101: Principles of Management before taking this course.


Q: How can I make the most out of this course?

  • A: When undertaking the weekly study it will be desirable to stick to the established schedule, use additional materials, and participate in discussions, as well as try to use the received knowledge in practice.


Last-Minute Tips for Business 324📄

Well done for reading this far, you have come a long way! The Business 324: Managerial Communication course is designed in a way that is intended to allow you to develop various skills that are considered to be fundamental for every manager. Whether it’s learning the fundamental principles of communication or the need to resolve intricate issues or address technology in the employed workplace, you have the powerful toolbox of knowledge right in your hands! 

I want to stress that the key to success in this course and in your profession is daily practice and hard work. Stick to the week-by-week plan of work, make use of the resources suggested, and remain active in the study of the subject. This course is fundamental to management as it revolves around the central theme of communication; virtually all aspects of your professional life will benefit from these lessons.

Keep organized, keep motivated, and if you feel you cannot make it on your own then do not hesitate to seek assistance. Have good luck in your classes, pass that final examination and be a successful communication expert in the business world. You’ve got this!


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