Study Exams Blog

Business 314
  • Gavin Walton
  • August 6, 2024

Hey there, future Employment Law expert! Are you prepared to explore the shallow end of the employment regulation pool? Welcome to the platform. Either you’re looking for some information, or you need help with your studies, you’re in the right place. Welcome to Business 314: Employment Law, your one-stop resource for all your questions regarding workplace laws. This class is aimed at ensuring that you get the fundamental knowledge concerning employment laws should you be an aspiring HR manager, business personnel, or someone who wants to know his legal rights as an employee or an employer. 

Let me assure you that in this course, I will ensure I simplify as much as I can even the most complicated terms used in legal proceedings. It is, in fact, your comprehensive legal arsenal when it comes to issues and practices ranging from working conditions to anti-discrimination rights. Also, we have included apprentice examples and interesting contexts throughout the course information to make it as fun as possible. Okay, take out your notepad (or your laptop), and let’s commence with this exploration of employment law.


Diving into Business 314: A Preview📖

Well then, let us dive into Business 314: Employment Law; Fasten your seat belts because this class entails a lot of information that is very critical when it comes to the laws of employment. 

First on the list are basic principles of employment laws that include; the different forms of the employment relationship and the legal consequences that go hand in hand with each. Labor relations course also covers the rights and duties of employers and employees and as you will discover, this is never useless knowledge no matter your position be it in the HR department or management, or even if you need to defend your own rights in the workplace. 

Finally, we will look at certain statutes of laws that prescribe the working environment. This includes the FLSA, the OSHA, and the FMLA among others; These are some of the most high-profile acts that are employed in the United States. These laws prove to be significant not only in the exam but in the real world as well. Knowing these can assist you as a learner in grasping the legal conditions that protect employee’s wages, working conditions, and entitlements to leave. 

We will also look at more specific areas such as the discrimination laws provided under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, discrimination based on age and disability, and requirements for accommodation. The above sections will make you understand how to handle issues in matters touching on harassment in the workplace, diversity, and inclusion. Further, many contemporary issues will be addressed such as the situation with telecommuting the sharing economy, and social media’s impact on employment. 

It is not simply enough anymore to be able to recite the law; this class is about how the law is used. Be prepared for a lot of examples, case studies, and down-to-earth hands-on sessions. At the end of this course, you’ll be more than equipped to pass the exam as well as incorporate it into your practical setting. And now, as the title suggests, let us prepare for the lessons and tutorials dedicated to the Employment Law study! 

Navigating Business 314: A Week-by-Week Approach📝

Alright, let’s break it down week by week. This plan will help you stay organized and make sure you cover all the essential topics. Grab your calendar and let’s get started!

Week 1: Getting Started

  • Readings: Chapters 1-2
  • Focus: Introduction to Employment Law, Employment Relationships
  • Activities:
    • Watch introductory videos on YouTube about employment law basics.
    • Take notes on key terms and concepts.
  • External Links:

Week 2: Employee Discipline and Termination

  • Readings: Chapters 3-4
  • Focus: Methods of Discipline, Termination Processes
  • Activities:
  • Create flashcards for different disciplinary methods.
  • Discuss case studies on employee termination in forums or study groups.
  • External Links:

Week 3: Employment Discrimination

  • Readings: Chapters 5-7
  • Focus: Discrimination Laws, Protected Classes
  • Activities:
  • Write a summary of key discrimination laws.
  • Watch a documentary or video series on workplace discrimination.
  • External Links:

Week 4: Employee Rights and Privacy

  • Readings: Chapters 8-10
  • Focus: Privacy Rights, Retaliation Protections
  • Activities:
  • Participate in a webinar on employee rights.
  • Create a mind map of privacy laws and protections.
  • External Links:

Week 5: Workplace Health and Safety

  • Readings: Chapters 11-12
  • Focus: OSHA, Workers’ Compensation
  • Activities:
  • Complete an online OSHA training module.
  • Review case studies on workplace safety incidents.
  • External Links:

Week 6: Compensation and Benefits

  • Readings: Chapters 13-14
  • Focus: Wage Laws, Benefits Programs
  • Activities:
  • Use flashcards to memorize key compensation laws.
  • Discuss benefits programs in a study group.
  • External Links:

Week 7: Performance Management

  • Readings: Chapter 15
  • Focus: Performance Appraisals, Training, and Development
  • Activities:
  • Role-play performance appraisal scenarios with a friend.
  • Watch videos on effective performance management.
  • External Links:

Week 8: Review and Practice Exams

  • Focus: Comprehensive Review
  • Activities:
  • Review all notes and flashcards.
  • Take practice exams to identify weak areas.
  • Participate in study groups and discuss challenging topics.
  • External Links:

By following this study plan, you’ll be well-prepared for the Business 314: Employment Law exam. Stay consistent, use the resources provided, and don’t hesitate to seek help when needed. Happy studying!


Ace Business 314 with These Free Resources 📂

This section should help to enrich your learning and provide you with the big picture of the topics covered in Business 314: Employment Law, here are some free resources on the internet. The following resources will enable you to view further into contentious areas and gain more angles to enrich your study sessions.

YouTube Channels and Videos

Khan Academy – Employment Law Basics:

  1. Khan Academy: Employment Law
  2. This video series covers the fundamentals of employment law, including discrimination, wage laws, and workplace safety.

CrashCourse – Business: Employment Law:

  1. CrashCourse: Employment Law
  2. A detailed overview of key employment law concepts, presented in an engaging and easy-to-understand manner.

The Business Professor – Employment Discrimination:

  1. The Business Professor: Employment Discrimination
  2. In-depth videos focusing on specific laws and cases related to employment discrimination.

Quizlet Flashcards

Employment Law Terms:

  1. Quizlet: Employment Law Flashcards
  2. Use these flashcards to memorize important terms and definitions related to employment law.

Disciplinary Actions:

  1. Quizlet: Disciplinary Actions Flashcards
  2. Helpful for understanding different types of disciplinary actions and their implications.

Privacy Rights:

  1. Quizlet: Privacy Rights Flashcards
  2. Focuses on the rights of employees regarding privacy and confidentiality in the workplace.

Articles and Blogs

Nolo – Employment Law Basics:

  1. Nolo: Employment Law Basics
  2. Comprehensive articles explaining the basics of employment law, including discrimination, wages, and employee rights.

FindLaw – Employment Discrimination:

  1. FindLaw: Employment Discrimination
  2. Detailed information on various forms of employment discrimination and related laws.

SHRM – Workplace Safety:

  1. SHRM: Workplace Safety
  2. Articles and resources focused on maintaining a safe and healthy work environment.

Free Online Courses

Coursera – Introduction to Employment Law:

  1. Coursera: Employment Law
  2. A free course covering the essentials of employment law, including real-world applications and case studies.

Alison – Understanding Employment Law:

  1. Alison: Employment Law
  2. A free online course that provides a broad overview of employment law concepts.

EdX – Employment Law in the Workplace:

  1. EdX: Employment Law
  2. Detailed course with modules on various aspects of employment law, ideal for a deep dive into complex topics.

By using the above-mentioned external sources, you will be in a position to have a broader perspective on the issues covered in Business 314: Employment Law. These sources offer helpful information and extra help related to the content covered in the class and not included in the paid online courses.


Crucial Topics for Excelling in Business 314 🔑

In this section, we will discuss the main areas of knowledge that you require to understand to ace the Business 314: Employment Law exams and get to know the employment laws. Here, we will provide and explain four essential concepts based on examples, as well as highlight the differences between them in special tables.

  1. Disciplinary Actions: Hot Stove Rule vs. Progressive Discipline

Hot Stove Rule:

  • Immediate: Just like touching a hot stove, the response to a violation is immediate.
  • Consistent: Every similar violation gets the same response.
  • Impersonal: The focus is on the action, not the person.
  • Forewarning: Employees know the consequences in advance.

Progressive Discipline:

  • Verbal Warning: First step for minor infractions.
  • Written Warning: Formal documentation of repeated issues.
  • Suspension: Time off without pay for serious or repeated infractions.
  • Termination: Final step if issues persist.
Hot Stove Rule
Progressive Discipline
Always the same
Escalating responses
Personal Impact
Personal involvement
  1. Employment Discrimination

Definition: Employment discrimination refers to where employees are discriminated against on aspects such as race, color, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, trans-sexuality, age, or any other grounds that are unlawful.

Key Laws:

  • Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964: one of the most familiar that bars discrimination due to an individual’s race, color, religion, sex, or origin nationality.
  • ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act): Employment laws that are anti-discrimination established Consumer Protection Act empowers victims of discrimination by employers and prohibits discrimination on the grounds of disability.
  • ADEA (Age Discrimination in Employment Act): Covers employees with ages that are 40 years and above.

Real-World Example: CEOs not willing to advance an employee to another position because of the latter’s age will be culpable in accordance with laws legislated by the ADEA.

  1. Employee Privacy Rights

Constitutional Protections:

  • First Amendment: Protects freedom of religion and speech.
  • Fourth Amendment: Protects against unreasonable searches.
  • Fifth Amendment: Protects against self-incrimination.
  • Fourteenth Amendment: Ensures due process and equal protection under the law.

Privacy Expectations:

  • Personal Space: Purses, briefcases, and personal phone calls.
  • Surveillance: Employers can monitor emails and internet use on company equipment but must respect privacy laws.
Religion, speech
Unlawful searches
Due process, equal protection
  1. The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

Key Provisions:

  • Eligibility: Employees who have worked for at least 12 months and 1,250 hours.
  • Leave Duration: Up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave.
  • Qualifying Reasons: Birth/adoption of a child, serious health condition of employee or family member, and exigencies related to family members in the military.

Real-World Example: An employee taking time off to care for a newborn child is protected under the FMLA. The employer must allow up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave and reinstate the employee to the same or equivalent position upon return.

The above-discussed key topics will assist you in your exams but more importantly, they will fund the essence of employment law in the place of work. If you pay most of your attention to these subjects, and then use those tables and examples stated above you will be in a good position as you take your studies and as you start your professional life.


Business 314 FAQ: Get Your Answers Here❓

Q: What is the focus of the Business 314: Employment Law course?

  • The course covers legal aspects of employment, including employee discipline, discrimination, privacy, workplace safety, compensation, benefits, and performance management.

Q: How can I best prepare for the exams in this course?

  • Follow the weekly study plan provided earlier, understand key concepts, use external resources, and engage in active study methods like flashcards and quizzes.

Q: Are there particular chapters that are heavily tested?

  • Yes, chapters on Employment Discrimination, Workplace Health & Safety, and Compensation, Wage & Hour Regulation are often emphasized. Review these thoroughly.

Q: Define mandatory and voluntary benefits.

  • Mandatory, meaning that they are legally mandated by legal bodies like the government for instance Social Security or workers compensation. Voluntary benefits are extras such as insurance and pension schemes, which are offered by the employer company with the help of insurers.

Q: How does the Act known as the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) safeguard the employees?

  • FMLA is a policy that gives employees up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave in case of medical and family-related conditions without reaching for their jobs.

Q: What would I have to do if, for instance, I find it difficult to handle all the work of the course?

  • To overcome this or as a checklist, make a plan that involves; dividing the material into smaller segments, using other resources or sources, and consulting your instructor or fellow students. Other things that can help include setting up the schedules necessary to study and contribute to the discussions.


Concluding Business 314: Tips and Takeaways📄

Navigating the Business 314: Employment Law does not have to be a stressful experience. After knowing the basic ideas and concepts and having a mapped study schedule and quality materials at hand, there should not be much trouble in passing this course. Finally, remember the goal of employment law is not to train for exams, it’s about preparing for the legal challenges that exist in workplaces and being able to deal with them in the right manner.

Reiterate to pay attention to the course, make use of the materials shared, and do not shy from consulting when one is stuck. Best wishes and best of luck, and perhaps your study of employment law will be as fruitful and successful as this book suggests should be the result of the study of employment law. Happy studying!


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